Testimonials The rash on my wrist is drying up and has stopped itching and it's only day 6! Lovely to meet you the other day.I have been following your advice of cutting out the food and drink and I'm already seeing a huge difference. The rash on my wrist is drying up and has stopped itching. I feel so much lighter and have energy again, aches and pains have gone- and it's only day 6. Thank you!
By Meg
It's the first year I am not feeling down with hayfever! Samantha came to see me in October 2020 and had 3 appointments with the last one in January with the help of zoom. On her last appointment she wanted to address her hayfever symptoms. I recommended her a mix of food and supplements. Then last week July 2021 she sent me this message : "Your recommendations for the control of hayfever symptoms and histamine levels have been totally amazing. It's my first year that I have not been feeling run down or horrible from hayfever." By Samantha Smith
" I had digestive issues for over 4 years, then after following Judy's dietary advice it settled down after just 4 weeks." " After having stomach upsets for over 4 years I finally booked into see Judy for a consultation with a food intolerance and vitamin check. The test indicated I was reacting to wheat , coffee, aspartame and MSG. Judy gave me a detailed dietary programme with supplement to follow for 4 weeks. After suffering for so long I really didn't think my stomach would ever settle down. Judy has helped me understand how to manage a my diet while studying at University and working part time. I am so relieved to feel in control of what I am eating and know that Judy is just a zoom call away if I need any further support." By Erin Age 20 After having a baby Judy has helped me to manage my weight and mood with a sustainable meal plans and save money on food shopping! After having a baby I struggled with my weight. It didn't matter what diet I tried it piled on again. My mood swings got worse by the day. i reached out to Judy Watson in September 2020 after hitting rock bottom. Judy was very kind and didn't judge me at all. She listened to my concerns and put a clear plan together for me which was achievable and more important sustainable . She made this personalised with the help of a non invasive food intolerance test and a vitamin check with results on the day. It indicated I was low in vitamin D and magnesium and intolerant to foods including lactose soya, yeast and chicken. From this Judy was able to provide a meal plan to understand how to combine food groups with recipe ideas and supplements to top up vitamin needs and help optimize digestion. It took no time at all to get on with the new plan, super easy to follow and cook for the whole family. I've been saving money on shopping each week as we are now able to plan our meals better. Now 4 months on (January 2021) I am still benefiting from regular touch points with Judy to review my diet and supplements. I have lost 9kg. To me this is incredible! What's more important to me than the weight is how I feel. Due to the right diet and portion sizes, regular exercise of walking, cycling or swimming in moderation I'm a new person. I wouldn't have been able to achieve this without Judy. Her support and guidance has helped me transform my relationship with food and change me and my family for the better. My husband has joined the journey too and finding the benefits of the right nutritional lifestyle. It may seem like a cliche but we are much happier now and still able to enjoy treats and eating out! Thanks to Judy's guidance and expertise!
By Veronika Age 37 " We enjoyed Judy's zoom talk on Food to boost Mood and Immuniity" Judy came to Suffolk in November 2019 to present a health day on managing allergies & detoxifcation with talks and mini food intolerance tests. She then followed up with presenting her new talk via zoom in November 2020 on "Food to boost mood and immunity." We found it enjoyable. Judy explained the talk and post questions very well! It couldn't have come at a better time after a tough year with lockdowns. By Jean M
Dietary support for endurance based fitness and busy lifestyle Judy was an extremely lucky find as I searched for a nutritionist to help me with my special dietary requirements and endurance-based fitness needs. There is no doubt I am a complicated case with several food allergies and gluten intolerant to boot. Judy listened and really got to know my strengths and weaknesses in a very short time that enabled her to recommend foods and supplements that suited me personally. The result has been a happier gut, more energy and a food plan that supports my endurance-based sport and busy lifestyle. I highly recommend Judy, personally and professionally. She has made a huge difference to the quality of my life. By Mark , Army officer , adventurer & cyclist Help for eczema & hayfever improving after only 6 weeks! Just wanted to touch base to say I am really feeling the benefit of the food plan you sent me and the recipes/multivitamins etc. So thank you!
By Diana
My migraines/headaches now virtually gone after having a food intolerance test After having a food intolerance and vitamin test with Judy in June 2016 I avoid the foods that came up reacting and followed her dietary advice. 2 months on from then I only had 2 headaches which were probably due to one from a detox reaction in the first few days and another when I ate one of the offending foods. I continue to take on Judy's healthy eating recommendations since then and feel much better overall. By Sharon Judy offered common sense advice and a more thorough understanding of the digestive system. Following some digestive issues I thought a visit to a nutritionist was in order, my girlfriend found Judy online and made an appointment. Within the meeting we had a good chat about my symptoms. The test accurately picked up dust mites( which I was already aware of) and an intolerance to sulphites and foods containing sulphur. Following on from this Judy offered common sense advice and a more thorough understanding of the digestive system with practical advice on managing the situation with a detailed report.I put into practice this advice and saw an improvement within a relatively short time.
I passionately believe that in our fast pasted, money focused world, everybody should educate themselves in how their body works and the effect foods have on you. Judy can offer you this very efficiently for what I deem a reasonable cost.
By Ian "My persistent knee pain dramatically improved within a few days" "Thanks to Judy's recommendation when I saw her at Henlow Champneys concerning my persistent knee pain; it dramatically improved within a few days."
By Sarah I even recommended three of my friends and they have benefited also. Your website is great, I hadn�t seen it before.
Meeting Judy was a life changing experience for me. I had a
thorough food intolerance test and also a test to see which vitamins and
minerals my body was lacking. The results of these tests and the changes
to my diet that Judy advised me to implement made a tremendous difference to my
well-being. After many years of various health problems including
stabilising my weight, everything fell into place and I feel so much
better. I had tried many slimming clubs over the years which did not
work, but after knowing exactly what I should eat and what I shouldn�t eat, the
weight dropped off. Judy�s knowledge and advice on supplements is also
Judy is warm, friendly, makes you feel extremely comfortable and
her calm and patient approach made me feel able to ask as many questions as I
needed to.
I even recommended three of my friends and they have benefited
also. One of my friends needed to gain weight and again, Judy�s expertise
has enabled her to do that.
I would definitely recommend a visit or two!
By Irene