Histamine levels One of the most common reasons people have anti-histamines are for hayfever. Streaming eyes and runny nose are often linked to excess histamine triggered by pollen. You may also take them if you get bitten by a bee or mosquito. Have you ever thought if you could manage histamine levels more naturally with a personalised diet plan. The answer is possibly yes. Other times you may be producing too much histamine is if you get a rash which won't go away. The enzyme DAO which breaks it down is often depleted by what we eat/drink. I have experienced this with eczema on my eyelids. I noticed when I had a cup of breakfast tea, glass of wine or ate chocolate my eye flared up. So I cut all these out and most of the inflammation went down. I still felt the need to have a anti-histamine; which I took for 3 months until I was given at random a supplement( at a Nutrition event) rich in polyphenols. 3 weeks later I didn't feel the need to take my anti- histamines anymore. The good news is as long as I don't eat chocolate, wine etc in excess and always keep well hydrated I have not had a re occurence.
So if you are fed up with your hayfever or keep getting rashes which are stubborn to go away without anti- histamines or steroids then it's worth having a Super Nutrition MOT. With this I can check initially for food intolerances to rule these out along with a vitamin check on your first appointment. Then with 2 follow ups to guide you through personalised nutrition plans to help manage your histamine levels over 3 months.
I have attended 3 cpd events in the last year on the effects of histamine on the body and how to help manage it!